===== Welcome to CERGE-EI Infrastructure Knowledgebase ===== /* hinty: https://www.nativemedia.net/icons-font-awesome/ https://astronautweb.co/snippet/font-awesome/ http://swwwitch.com/dl/Font-Awesome-Cheetsheet-4.5.0.pdf */ ~~NOTOC~~ Purpose of these pages is to provide basic information, answers to potential problems, guides and hints on most common technical infrastructure related issues, and should be the first stage of the problem-solving process. If you cannot find an answer to your problem or question in the following articles, contact the appropriate office/unit through the respective email. ---- **Following are the main infrastructure services covered by our Service Desks:** //**IT Services**// {{ :public:chip_.png?nolink&80|cpu.jpg}} **IT General Helpdesk** General IT related inquiries: [[helpdesk@cerge-ei.cz|]] **IT Webmaster Helpdesk** Web servers related issues: [[webmaster@cerge-ei.cz|]] //**On Premises Services**// {{ :public:building-gray.jpg?nolink&80|cpu.jpg}} **Building Maintenance** Building & Grounds maintenance: [[maintenance@cerge-ei.cz|]] **Audio-Visual Servicedesk** AV related requests & issues: [[av-helpdesk@cerge-ei.cz|]] ---- **Following are the articles with information, answers to potential problems, guidelines and hints:** ==== IT (Rules, Services, Guidelines, Applications) ==== * **Info** * [[:public:external_links|External links (CUNI, AV ČR, ...)]] * [[:public:news-announcements|Assorted Announcements (history)]] * [[:public:it-processes|IT Services]] * **Important** * Rules & Security - [[:public:lan_rules|General Rules for LAN Users]] * [[:public:data_protection|Privacy & Data Protection (GDPR), Data Management ...]] * [[https://www.cerge-ei.cz/computer-department/computing-services|Computer Office section at `Internal` pages ...]] * **Services** * [[:public:user_accounts|User Accounts and Password usage]] * [[:public:passwd_change|Password Change and Account LOCKout]] * [[:public:files_backup|File Services and Backup...]] * [[:public:email|E-Mail...]] * [[:public:print_copy_scan|Print/Copy/Scan/OCR...]] * [[:public:computing_equipment|Hardware equipment (computers, Heavy Horse Workstations)]] * [[:public:cloud_services:cloud_services|Cloud Services (G-Suite, O365, CESNET (OwnCloud, Zoom...)]] * [[:public:institutions|Charles University and CAS selected resources...]] * **Networking** * [[:public:remote_desktop|Remote Desktop connection (from LAN and internet)]] * [[:public:vpn_connection|Virtual Private Network (VPN)]] * [[:public:mfa|Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)]] * [[:public:network_connection|LAN Connection]] * [[:public:wifimenu|Wi-Fi Connection - eduroam, residents, libairfree]] * **Software & Applications** * [[:public:sw_overview|Software for Computers - Overview (Standard, Special, licences)]] * [[:public:sw_install|Special Software Installation Gudelines (Stata, Matlab...)]] * [[:public:sw_internal-systems|Internal CERGE-EI Systems (Helpdesk, TAS, Kanban, GIT)]] * [[:public:sw_manuals|Software On-line Documentation]] * [[:public:sw_hints|Assorted Software Tips&Tricks (Windows, Office, ...)]] * [[:public:sw_knowledge|Assorted Software & Applications Useful Links]] * [[:public:sw_security|Security (Notebook encryption, EPM Privilege Management, ...)]] * [[:public:sw_moodle|Moodle Admin Guidelines]] * [[:public:sw_internal|Web Pages Editing Guidelines]] * [[:public:sw_download|Software Download (Drivers, etc...)]] ==== Building Services ==== * **Building & Ground Office** * [[:public:bgo:phone_services|BGO - Phone Services]] * [[:public:bgo:id_cards|ID Cards]] ==== Multimedia & Presentation Services ==== * **AV Services** * [[:public:presentation:presentation|Presentation Equipment]] (projection, audio, notebooks, accessories) * **DMC (Digitam Media Center)** * [[:public:presentation:presentation-402|DMC - room guidelines]] (room #402) * [[:public:presentation:dmc|DMC - Recording and Editing Studio]] * [[:public:presentation:studrecordings|DMC - Recording student presentations]] ==== Teaching Online ==== * [[:public:teaching:general_guide|General guidelines…]] * [[:public:teaching:lifesize|Lifesize - Videoconferencing and Online Presentations]] * [[:public:teaching:google|Google Drive Basics]] * [[:public:teaching:moodle|Moodle/CMS Basics]] * [[:public:teaching:teachers_tips|Teachers’ Tips]] * [[:public:teaching:students_feedback|Students’ Feedback]] * [[:public:cloud_services:cloud_services|Cloud Services (G-Suite, Office 365, CESNET (OwnCloud, ZOOM...)]] * [[:public:teaching:online_testing|Online testing]] * [[:public:teaching:pedagogical_resources_from_the_teaching_fellows_program|Pedagogical Resources from the Teaching Fellows Program]] ---- // Key symbol ( ) means you must log-in first to see the page content // ---- **[[:changes|See the latest changes...]]** ---- You can use Service Desk email address [[helpdesk@cerge-ei.cz|]] for general feedback to this Wiki. //__Disclaimer__// \\ //Please understand that this website is still developing and articles are added and improved continuously. \\ We would really appreciate any feedback on this website, especially hints what articles are missing, should be eventually revised, what might be improved, changed etc.// \\ //That all simply means: **You could help us to make this website useful !!!**//