====== Cloud Services ======
===== General information =====
There are several cloud-based services for general use for staff, researchers, faculty and students. Each of these cloud services has its specific benefits and may target different groups of users.
Cloud services available are:
* **Google Workspace for Education (G-Suite)** \\ [[https://www.google.com|ttps://www.google.com]] \\ (login in format //name.surname@cerge-ei.cz//)
* **Microsoft Office 365** \\ [[https://www.office.com|https://www.office.com]] \\ (login in format //name.surname@cerge-ei.cz//)
* **CESNET** (OwnCloud, Filesender, Remote Education Support, Meeting services) \\ [[https://owncloud.cesnet.cz/|https://owncloud.cesnet.cz/]] , [[https://filesender.cesnet.cz/|https://filesender.cesnet.cz/]] , [[https://cesnet.zoom.us|https://cesnet.zoom.us]] , [[https://meetings.cesnet.cz|https://meetings.cesnet.cz]] \\ (login with CUNI CAS account)
//Microsoft Office 356 and Google G-Suite are complex software ecosystems so their adoption is a long-term gradual process mostly driven by a specific needs of the individual users or teams.//
===== Google Workspace for Education (formerly G-Suite) =====
Cloud-based G Suite for Education is a suite of free Google apps tailored specifically for schools.
CERGE CUNI has lincensed **[[https://support.google.com/a/answer/7370133?hl=en|Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals]]** variant
==== Your Account ====
Login in format **name.surname@cerge-ei.cz**
If you are an employee or a student at CERGE, you can ask for access activation. Send your request to Helpdesk [[helpdesk@cerge-ei.cz|]].
It is STRONGLY recommended to have mobile phone registered in advance and use two-factor authentication.
Reset forgotten password: Please follow Google standard password reset instructions
**Please note:** It is not possible to mix personal and work account in single web browser. If you need to use both private and work accounts in parallel, use two different web browsers or use anonymous/private mode in your web browser.
**Important: **
**Account names collision avoidance **
- if you have your Google private account in the format of CERGE email address in format **name.surname@cerge-ei.cz** (Google allows this feature), you must __rename your private Google account__ before you obtain CERGE account, or you may ask HELPDESK to migrate/incorporate/ the account into CERGE Google realm.
==== Specific instructions ====
Google Drive specific [[:public:teaching:google|instruction available here]]
===== Microsoft Office 365 =====
Cloud-based software as a service products for business environments, such as **Word, Excel, Teams, SharePoin**t etc.
Employee and students are eligible to install Desktop versions of Office on up to 5 PCs or Macs per user and Office apps on up to 5 tablets and 5 phones per user.
==== Your Account ====
Login in format **name.surname@cerge-ei.cz**
If you are an employee or a student at CERGE, you can ask for access activation. Send your request to Helpdesk [[helpdesk@cerge-ei.cz|]]
Reset forgotten password: [[:public:onedrive:account|Microsoft Office 365 account management]] **Please note:** It is not possible to mix personal and work account in single web browser. If you need to use both private and work accounts in parallel, use two different web browsers or use anonymous/private mode in your web browser.
==== Specific instructions ====
**Microsoft Sharepoint:** [[:public:cloud_services:mssharepoint|Microsoft Sharepoint Platform]]
SharePoint is a web-based collaborative platform that integrates natively with Microsoft Office. SharePoint is primarily sold as a document management and storage system, but the product is highly configurable and its usage varies substantially among organizations.
**Microsoft Teams (part of Sharepoint):** [[:public:cloud_services:msteams|Microsoft Teams Collaboration Platform]]
Microsoft Teams is a unified communication and collaboration platform that combines persistent workplace chat, video meetings, file storage (including collaboration on files), and application integration.
**Microsoft OneDrive:** [[:public:onedrive|Microsoft OneDrive On-line Storage]]
Microsoft OneDrive is a file hosting service and synchronization service operated by Microsoft as part of its web version of Office.
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===== CESNET =====
==== Your Account ====
Login with CUNI CAS account ( [[https://ldapuser.cuni.cz/|https://ldapuser.cuni.cz/]])
==== OwnCloud ====
OwnCloud is intended for universities users and provides 100 GB capacity for each. It enables automatic data synchronisation between various computers and mobile devices of the user. Data are also available through the web interface. Data can be easily shared with colleagues.
Basic instructions: [[:public:cloud_services:cesnet_owncloud|Cesnet OwnCloud]]
==== Filesender ====
Fast sharing, short-term safe-deposit of big files (500 GB/file).
==== Other streaming services ====
It is also possible to use Adobe Connect and PEXIP services ([[https://meetings.cesnet.cz|https://meetings.cesnet.cz]]).
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===== ZOOM - Video Conferencing System =====
Basic account allows 40 minutes meetings/classes. For longer meetings/classes you must ask for license.
==== CUNI (Charles University) ====
More information about licences for CERGE-EI in the article [[:public:teaching:lifesize#zoom|Video conferencing and Online presentations - Zoom]]
===== CERGE-EI related profile icons =====
If you need to distinguish your profile with institutional logo, it is possible to use one of these icons (JPEG 400×400 pixels).
Please note that these are just unofficial logo edits and their only purpose is to have square format useful for profile photo :-)