Table of Contents

Verify the credibility

Better safe, than sorry. See guide Spam, Phishing and Malware and Dealing with malware, spam, suspicious content

Be cautious, restrained, distrustful, safety is yours, next is only help.

Five steps to verify the credibility of the message

  1. Verify the sender
  2. Verify the URL (web link)
  3. Verify the signature
  4. Verify the content
  5. Ask in doubt

Verify the real sender

How difficult it is and how to do it exactly depend on the email client. But shortly saying:

  1. See the complete address in the form of somebody@somewhere.domain We do not allow outside sender to spoof domain.
  2. In case of any doubt, doublecheck it by call or email ask.
  3. Read the next articles as an example how to check real sender. The last article helps you to analyze the complete message path protocol, if you need it.
    Do not worry, it seems difficult, but in fact the quick proof can be simple. Is the header too complex, too long and with server addresses from outside of cerge-ei domain? Then it could not be the true cerge-ei message.

How to see the real email sender in Gmail

How to find the true sender in the message header

Verify the signature

Verify the content

Ask in doubt

Feel free to ask if you have any doubts and/or to report a suspicious or dangerous email.