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Email - Quarantine (Ironport)

WARNING If you decide to review or release the quarantined content, please be very carefull! Don't open any file unless you are certain it's legitimate.

If not sure or have questions, contact


Some messages may be blocked by antispam as suspected spam despite they are from a trusted sender.

if you suspect or receive a warning that your email has been quarantined, wait for the quarantine notification with a release link.

Quarantine Notification - users get regular summary digest email from Ironport Mail Gateway about newly added quarantined messages.

Typical notification text: There are XXX new messages in your Email Quarantine since you received your last Spam Quarantine Notification. If the messages below are spam, you do not need to take any action. Messages will be automatically removed from the quarantine after YYY day(s).

Please note: Quarantine is always available via link provided in the digest email.
Simply click view your email quarantine link in the digest email message (see picture below)

Quarantine notification digests come in regular intervals (every second hour usualy) so you have to wait a while until it arrives.
As a workaround, you may use an older quarantine notification digest thanks to the fact that the link to quarantine remains the same for all such digests.

Release from quarantine

Click 'Release' link adjacent to the message you want to release from quarantine. Be careful what you are releasing.

Whitelisting (sender email address)

You may whitelist sender email address. Next time email from the whitelisted sender appears, it should skip the quarantine.

Click 'view your email quarantine' and then select (check) what you want to be whitelisted and select '- - Release and add to whitelist' from drop-down menu.

(See example below)

Preview & Release message

Message from:

Release and whitelist