Table of Contents

Charles University and Czech Academy of Sciences resources

Charles University

General info

CUNI uses Single Sign-on (SSO) mechanism for users authentication and authorisation. This feature unifies authentication of users into all the provided services (internal and external)

Users are identified by their login ID in the format (for example

For password ask Card Service Center

Charles University Authentication Service (CAS) -

Web Applications / Webové aplikace Univerzity Karlovy -

Records Management / Spisová služba -

Research Data Management / Management výzkumných dat -

Office365 / CUNI Sharepoint

In order to access CUNI sharepoint, you need to log in with CUNI credentials via Office365. -

Here are detailed instructions in Czech language.

Czech Academy of Sciences

Intranet (internal web) access

Internal pages are accessible ONLY from the selected academic networks. It is not allowed to access pages directly from internet.

How to connect to CAS internal pages from outside

Goal: connect from the computer which has IP address from the allowed IP range.

Remote Desktop Connection application can be find in Windows by typing 'remote' in Search dialog (in Start menu) or just by runing program mstsc.exe

Option 1 - via your office PC: connect remotely to your office computer via Remote Desktop (RDP) and then connect to the CAS internal pages from the office computer.

Option 2 - via Heavyhorse: if you do not have office computer but you have an institutuonal notebook, you may connect by AnyConnect VPN and then to Heavyhorse1 workstation via RDP.


Important! Do not forget do logout from Heavyhorse after you finish your work. If you just close RDP window, your session remains active and blocks resources from other users.